Alexis Tierny Stand AD2S

AD2S 2024

After a six-year absence the AD2S | Aerospace & Defence Support and Services trade show made its return on September 25, 26 & 27 2024, at Bordeaux-Mérignac Air Base 106.

Born from a close collaboration between the Ministry of the Armed Forces and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region, this key event for MCO/MRO stakeholders was the ideal opportunity for JJGK Aero to showcase its services and projects.

During the event, Alexis Tierny, co-managing director and Charlotte Pelletier, communication manager, were present at our booth to welcome key figures from the aerospace sector and create valuable opportunities. Their presence helped strenghten our relationships with industry leaders, including Airbus, the French Directorate General of Armaments (DGA), and the company Ixarys. These discussions provided an opportunity to explore strategic projects, identify synergies, and lay the groundwork for future collaborations.

The three-day event was punctuated by numerous conferences on Operational Condition Maintenance (MCO), covering various topics such as conflict dynamics, economy, innovation, sustainable development, employment, and training.

On the evening of Thursday, September 26, we were invited to Château de Latresne – Aérocampus Aquitaine site for the AD2S Gala Night, where we had enriching encouters and enjoyed a friendly atmosphere with live music and local products.

The final day of the trade show focused on employment, training, career opportunities in the aerospace and defense sectors. Alexis Tierny took the floor at the Agora to share his professionnal journey and discuss career development opportunities for aerospace boilermakers. This was also a great occasion to welcome motivated students who discovered our MRO center dedicated to the Super Puma range and our job opportunities.

After three days at AD2S, it was time for us to head back and get ready to welcome visitors for the Open House Weekend at Istres Air Base 125.